Sunday, August 16, 2009

The Wisdom of a Three Year Old

I had Tyke and Hayden in my classroom while I worked this week. They were so cute just playing and entertaining themselves. When my cell phone receives a pic message, it goes "I got mail, I got mail, YEAH!" over and over. A few minutes after receiving a pic message I hear Tyke, still playing with the magnets saying, "What the hell, what the hell! YEAH!" I informed him while trying not to crack up that that is not what my phone was saying. He innocently looks up at me and asks, "What is it saying then?" That's when I really did lose it! Ahhh... the wisdom...

Hayden was looking through a book in Sacrement meeting today. I was so happy because he was actually being quiet! There was a picture of a butterfly on one page. After studying it for a few minutes he looks at me and loudly announces that butterflies are made of peanut butter. Aahhh... the wisdom...

The other night Hayden was talking about his new brother that is in mommy's tummy. He was so excited to have a new brother until he found out that the brother was not going to be three like him. He could not comprehend why we would possibly even want to have a baby if it wasn't going to be three and play with him. I think he thought he was getting a new best friend! Aahh...the wisdom!

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