Friday, December 11, 2009

Ady, Hayden, and Tayson Dennis

Ady and Hayden are so excited to see their brother after nine months of waiting! Ady likes to help by holding Tayson and wiping his bum during diaper changes. Hayden thinks he is a little boring... we had the following conversation the other day:

Hayden: Mom, when I talk to Tayson, he doesn't answer me!
Me: I know, Bud, but he likes it when you talk to him.
Hayden: Mom, he doesn't even play with toys, not even baby toys.
Me: I know. He will soon.
Hayden: Why do we have him, he doesn't DO anything!
Aaahhh! Brotherly love!


  1. He is the cutest, cutest, cutest thing EVER!!!!

  2. you forgot to mention who his favorite aunt is. geeeez. ;) he is just the cutest thing EVERRRR! i miss him. i wish i had more time to come and snuggle with the little love. he is just so snuggley and sweet. hayden reminds me of that froggie book where the mom has a new frog and i think they had the exact conversation as you and hayd. love it! i'll have to read that one to hayden next time i see him. i think it's called a new baby for froggie or something like that.

  3. you must be on maternity leave. look at all your new posts!! yay! i love reading them and looking at your cute kids. i am desperately needing to catch up but just can't find the time. :/
